Fossil Fun Fest, Depot Museum, Rudyard

This is a Community-wide celebration of Dinosaurs! Full-day of activities involving dinosaurs, food & beverage vendors, toilet racing, evening dance and more. Featured speaker is Dr. John Scannella, Museum of the Rockies John R. Horner Curator of Paleontology; 5 pm at the HiLine Theater downtown. Paleontologists Dr. Jack Horner and Dr. Holly Woodward will also be available throughout the day with their field dig crew to discuss dinosaurs.

Fossil Fun Fest, Depot Museum, Rudyard

The Depot Museum’s Fossil Fun Fest features reknowned paleontologist Dr. Jack Horner speaking Friday at 7 pm. The Friday evening activities at the Museum run from 5-9 pm and also include wine, cheese, lemonade, cookies and live music by the Celtic Highlanders. Saturday events at the Dust Bowl run from 9 am-5 pm and include a 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament, Food and Craft Vendors, and the museums are open. Activities move to the Rudyard Park from 6-9 pm and include a Food & Beer Garden, live music by Shakedown County and a 7 pm movie at the Hiline Theater.

Music on the Lawn, Old Trail Museum

Enjoy the Old Trail Museum’s great Paleo Exhibits and then join them for an evening of music in their own backyard. Rick Clough and the Loose Mules is the featured band.

SCIFriday & Museum Collections Workshop, Carter County Museum

A Pre-Dino Shindig Event: University of Montana Paleontology Collections Manager Kallie Moore leads a Collections Inventory Workshop 10 am-4 pm at the Museum’s Warehouse. In the afternoon, Museum of the Rockies Ashley Hall leads the Sister Museum SCIFriday Activities at the Museum.